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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hi 10/09

Lame joke series 3

1)What do plastic surgeons do?
Ans: Operate on plastic

2) Which animal is very high-tech?
Ans: Spider bcoz it can 上网.

Why don't anteaters get sick?
Ans: They're full of anty-biotics.

Hope the above let you distress a little from the stress of the mid-years. All please take care of your health amid the H1N1 flu. The mid-years will be over soon so persevere and jiayous!
Lets all do well together as a class!!! Jiayous to All!!!

Desmond/ Alvan/ Jefferson

11:23 PM

It looks like this blog seems kind of dead now. Everyone busy mugging for Mid year CT? Haha. Believe it or not, i haven't really started! Probably that will relieve you a little, but i don't know about the rest. :)

Anyway, it's starting next week. MOH decided not to extend our holidays and AJ decided that we have to continue to have our mid years. Too bad. All the best to all in 10/09! Let's all ace the test! xD

-Sui Peng

3:35 PM